
Pharmaciae Sacrum wants to keep her relationship with graduate members and therefore offers alumnus membership to graduate members. Alumni have the possibility to keep involved with the association.
For €35,- per year alumni receive four times a year the Foliolum and retain the right to attend the monthly P.S.-Social Drinks. In addition, alumni can attend all conferences organized by the association (at reduced rates). They are also welcome at the prom and the cultural evening during the Dies Natalis. An Alumni-day is organized especially for the alumni every two and a half years. Besides that, you are welcome at the annual Alumni Drinks. For all other activities and General Members' Meetings alumni may be invited by the board.
If a member wants to switch from a member to an alumni halfway through the academic year, for example in a lustrum year in connection with the Reunion Day, 15 euros must be paid.
In addition, the membership is expanded with a possibility of placing vacancies for free on the P.S.-website. This does not apply for alumni working in industry or recruitment.