Lieve Masterstudenten, Zijn jullie klaar voor een avond vol gezelligheid en competitie? Kom dan op vrijdag 21 februari om 19.30 naar Café Soestdijk voor een spetterende pubquiz, georganiseerd in...
On February 25th the cohort hour for the students of year 3 will take place. This hour is meant for the people from this cohort to socialize at the P.S. boardroom and get to know each other better...
Beste masterstudenten, Op vrijdag 28 februari vindt de 17e Carrièredag van Pharmaciae Sacrum plaats! De Carrièredag is de uitgelezen kans om je voor te bereiden op de start van je carrière....
On March 3 from 15:00 to 17:00, the Medical Pharmaceutical Sciences (MPS) Career Afternoon will take place. During this afternoon, multiple speakers will tell you something about the...
On Monday March 3 a Fairspace Training will be given together with M.F.V. Panacea, the study association of Medicine, and Lijst Calimero. The training will be about the topic 'Stand Up Against...
On the 4th of March, the P.S. Social Drink will take place at 'Café de Toeter'. Here you can get craft beers for only €3.70, the 'Toeterburger' for €7.50 or fries for €3.50. A free keg of beer is...
On March 5th from 13:00 - 17:00, this year’s Afternoon Symposium will take place. During this symposium, multiple speakers will give a small lecture about “cancer treatments”. There will be five...
On March 18th the cohort hour for the MPS and Pharmacy Master students will take place. This hour is meant for the people from this cohort to socialize at the P.S. boardroom and get to know each...
On March 19th the EJC Party will take place! Theme and location will follow, but make sure to save the date!
On Friday the 21st of March, the Parents' Day of Pharmaciae Sacrum will take place. This day will be organized especially for first-year students of Pharmacy, so you can show your parents,...