Faculty Introduction Day


Faculty Introduction Day

The Faculty Introduction Day is the day to get acquainted with the study Pharmacy, its study association G.F.S.V. “Pharmaciae Sacrum” and your future fellow students. 

The Faculty Introduction Day will take place on Friday the 30th of August 2024. The day will start at 10:00h at the faculty (Antonius Deusinglaan 1) where you will be assigned to a group with other first-year students and two student mentors, called P.S.-moms and P.S.-dads. The day will consist of a number of fun activities so you can meet your fellow students and get to know our lovely study association. The Education Director of Pharmacy and the study advisors will make a special appearance to give you some practical information about the study Pharmacy. Next, the board of our study association Pharmaciae Sacrum (P.S.), as well as the National Pharmacy Study Association (K.N.P.S.V.) and others will tell you all about the study Pharmacy and the fun activities of the upcoming year.

Next to that, you will get a tour around the faculty and at the end of the day we will enjoy some drinks while socializing with other students. There will also be some time to eat with your P.S.-moms or P.S.-dads. Later in the evening there will also be a party organized with the theme: 'Superheroes', so make sure to be there!

You have to become a member of P.S. in order to register for the Faculty Introduction Day. Become a member via the following linkhttps://www.psgroningen.nl/membership/become-a-member

When your registration has been processed, you can register for the Faculty Introduction Day by clicking on this link

You can also register by sending an e-mail to: board@psgroningen.nl.