MMC Cook Book
Dear members of P.S.,
We all know it, little money, little time and still you want to eat a “healthy” meal. The typical student question.
Cooking meals has always been a bummer for students, what are we going to eat? What quantities do I need? What kind of equipment do I need to prepare the dish? Most of the time the solution of this problem is an order at, but we all know that uncle DUO doesn’t supply enough money to survive the whole month. Therefore, the MMC has been busy creating a cookbook for this problem. They used their personal connections and chefs (big thanks to the other committees of P.S.) to collect the most mouth-watering, finger-licking recipes. So don’t hesitate to turn the page of this book and prepare all these delicious meals.
MMC ’18 ‘19 ‘The Influencers’ A.K.A. Mooie Media Club
Click here for the cook book!

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